Join us for a fantastic, one-time-only event.
With 30 experts presenting over 4 days, you won’t want to miss the Set Free Global Summit.
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The Porn Phenomenon: A Comprehensive, Ground-Breaking New Survey on Americans, The Church, and Pornography
What do Christians really think of pornography? Josh McDowell Ministry has commissioned the Barna Research Group to produce a landmark research project on the pervasive nature of Internet pornography and its impact on the church. 'The Porn Phenomenon' is the largest research endeavor of its kind to date and yields accurate, in-depth data that will expose and address the issues facing churches and families today.
Pornography in the Church
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From Recovery to Redemption: The Unexpected Emergence of a Bold New Solution
Just when the church needs it the most, a bold new solution to the problem of pornography and sex addiction emerges. After an extensive 5-year pilot involving over 100 men, the results are staggering. With long-term sexual sobriety success rates exceeding 50% and a 3-6 month dropout rate of only 10%, this new, mentoring-centric model just may be the big breakthrough the church and recovery ministries have been looking for.
Forum: Brain Science and Porn
When a person uses pornography, that person struggles not only spiritually but also neurologically. To best help that person, we need to understand more about how using pornography impacts a person’s nervous system. This panel is composed of three of the world’s leading experts on the brain science and pornography. Learn about the chemicals at work during porn use, how the brain is impacted, and the science behind why pornography can be so addicting.
Effects of Porn Use
We know that with the advent of the Internet, pornography is now pervasive and easily available. But do we know its impact? Research indicates that it affects the attitudes and behaviors of men, women, and children in a scope of outcomes from sexual callousness to child molestation. These outcomes can devastate individuals and relationships, damaging marriages and families and ultimately society. Understanding of these outcomes is the first step to setting us all free from these catastrophic consequences.
Policy Victories
The movement to end sexual exploitation is here! This fight is no longer waged alone. Tens of thousands are standing up to defend human dignity and oppose sexual exploitation. National Center on Sexual Exploitation gives a bird's eye view of the fight and the many victories recently accomplished. By actively engaging the media, leading the worldwide Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation, and aggressively confronting sexual profiteering, the National Center on Sexual Exploitation has re-shaped the public debate on pornography, sexual exploitation, and human trafficking. Indeed, empowered by the almost half million activists supporting NCOSE campaigns, we are being invited into the boardrooms of corporations who realize that we represent the voice of Americans who are saying loudly and clearly, “Enough!”
Porn: A Social Contagion That Fuses Fear, Shame, and Lust
Around the middle of the 20th Century, Alfred Kinsey, Hugh Hefner, and others set out to redefine how we saw sexuality. The result has been increasingly hardcore child pornography, available to younger and younger children. And it's not just online; many sex ed courses taught in our schools neurochemically change children's sex drives. Learn the links and how to take action.
Theology of the Body
What is love? What is wrong with pornography anyway? Why can’t I stop even though I know it’s wrong? According to Pope John Paul II, “I think that among the answers that Christ would give to the people of our times and to their questions, often so impatient, fundamental would still be the one he gave to the Pharisees. In answering these questions, Christ would appeal first of all to the ‘beginning.’” In the first years of his pontificate, John Paul II gave a 129 week course on “Human love in the Divine plan.” Fr Sean Kilcawley will speak on how this vision of human and divine love can provide a road map for understanding and healing pornography and sexual addiction.
Counseling Towards Recovery
Counseling is a nuanced practice, but when you need to counsel people who are in pain because of pornography use—and who are perhaps even addicted to it—it is even more challenging. If you are in ministry position and you haven’t been asked to help someone who struggles with pornography, just wait—you will. Learn tips from experienced counselors who specialize in pornography and sexual addiction counseling. Come prepared with your own questions.
Hearts of Men
Join us for a sneak peek of a new, highly anticipated film about Jesus’ transformative powers over our sexual brokenness and the lies that ensnare us Documentary-style interviews with top thought-leaders are interwoven with a timeless retelling of the prodigal son story. This unique blending of genres hits the hearts and minds of men and women who have been crushed by shame for too long.
More Than Fantasy: Reaching Female Porn Users
Women don't really watch pornography, do they? They're just into fantasy, not ‘real’ pornography, right? Wrong. Fact is: women do watch pornography – ‘real’ pornography. Women you lead, women who lead, wives, sisters, daughters, mothers, women you know are watching pornography. Writer, speaker, former porn addict (and woman), Jessica Harris will offer insight on how you can create an environment where these women can find hope, healing, and freedom.
Fantasy Island
Fantasy ranges from innocent to indecent. From Disney dreams to dark diversions, it is the wallpaper of popular culture offering every man an alternative relief or escape from reality. Why is fantasy so powerful? Why is it so destructive on so many levels? What does fantasy reveal about a man’s relationship to reality? What emotional conflicts within men are at the root? What are the relational consequences of engaging in unhealthy fantasy? Join men’s expert and Pastor Kenny Luck and learn why fantasy is an island.
Healing a Wife's Wounded Heart
When a husband is addicted to pornography, his wife often bears the fallout of his choices, leaving her shattered, betrayed, and alone. As professionals, it’s important to know how to help her focus her eyes on the God of Hope and begin a spiritual quest to redefine her life regardless of her husband’s daily choices. Those supporting a wife need to know what to say and not say as they walk her through the steps of rediscovering hope, grieving losses, surrendering unproductive responses, learning to trust in healthy ways, and understanding and establishing healthy boundaries.
The Power of Accountability
We now have data that clearly shows the connection between accountability and passing on the parents’ good values to their kids. The family that talks together walks together. As part of Barna’s Porn Phenomenon study, we identified thousands of Covenant Eyes members ('accountable families') who have used Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability for more than five years. That means that their kids were raised in a home with accountability. Over 500 agreed to take the Barna survey. The data will be presented, along with solutions to help promote accountable families in your church and in your own home.
Parenting in a Dirty World
The vast majority of boys are exposed to pornography before they turn 18, and the average age of first exposure is just 12 years old. How well do you understand what seeing pornography does to a child and that child's view of sexuality? What about shame? This panel presentation will prepare you for the next time parents come asking for advice about what to do now that their child has seen pornography. Find out what you should teach parents before their children have that first exposure.
Talking to Students
Children in their teens and early twenties live in a culture that has accepted pornography as a normal part of life. How can you have a real conversation about pornography and help these young people turn toward a more wholesome sexuality—even when the odds are good that they are active users of porn themselves?
Spiritual Aspect of Pornography
The problem with pornography is that it robs the consumer of the abundant spiritual life and peace we were meant for. The essence of Christian faith can be defined as reconciled relationship with the creator. Pornography simply undermines that notion. Rather than enhance intimacy with God and others it utterly decimates both relationships. This session with pastor Bernie Anderson seeks to address spiritual principles that bring about true freedom.
Biblical View of Sexuality
If you want to know what God wants to use then look at what the enemy is attacking. Anything you don't understand the purpose of, you abuse. After all, sex was God's idea.
Is Real Revival Possible?
In our clinical studies we have discovered that 60-72% of men sitting in the pews on the weekend in Evangelical churches meet the clinical criteria for being a sexual addict, and 50-58% of pastors are addicts as well. Is there hope for real revival? Is there a biblical pattern that we can look to for hope?
Accountability in the Church
While many people in the church believe accountability is a good idea, often the experience is less-than-desirable. This presentation will look at the many ways in which accountability goes wrong and how we can create new norms in the church that make accountability a blessing once again.
Protecting Church Leaders
Dr. Jay Dennis will focus on encouraging pastors, staff team members and Christian leaders to have the conversation about pornography in the churches they lead. Practical steps will be shared with them on specifically how leaders of any size church, can broach the subject of pornography whether it’s in a Sunday morning worship service, a gathering, small group or other church-related setting. Since every church and Christian home is affected by pornography in some way, Jay wants to give pastors the tools to communicate about the bubonic plague of pornography within the church. Pastors can win this war! Pastors must win this war!
Call to Arms
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We have lined up 30 of the top experts on Internet pornography for the Set Free Global Summit.
Dr. Mary Anne Layden
Director of Education, Center for Cognitive Therapy, University of Pennsylvania