Set Free Summit

What Kids Really Believe About Pornography

Do kids talk about porn? Statistics show that they do – but they talk about it in different ways. A brand new national survey* of 860 teens and young adults (age 13-24) asked “When you and your friends talk about pornography, is it most often in a way that’s disagreeable, neutral, accepting, or encouraging?” One […]


Applying the Hope of the Gospel to Porn Users

By Luke Gilkerson The Bible does not describe us merely as wayward, broken, or needing a moral boost but as those who are dead in sin (Eph. 2:1). Dead men and women do not just need recovery: they need resurrection. For the follower of Christ, the ultimate goal is not merely “quitting pornography,” but is something […]


How to Deal With Shame and Guilt Following Pornography

In the last two videos we discussed the different stages within the cycle of temptation. At the top of this cycle is the state of desire. Now, in an earlier video we talked about how that really means over-desire—a strong craving for something, even a good thing. We talked about different over-desires that can compel us into the […]


Responding to the Idols of the Heart (Part 2)

In the last video we started to talk about the stages of temptation. The first stage discussed in the last video was Desire. At the top of this cycle is the state of desire. Now, in an earlier video we talked about how that really means over-desire—a strong craving for something, even a good thing. We talked about […]


How do we best help students resist our pornified culture? (Part 2)

In my first post, I discussed two underlying reasons why pornography has such a stronghold on many youth today. In this post, my goal is to offer six practical insights so we can best help students resist the lure of pornography. These are some of the points I will be sharing at the upcoming Set Free Global Summit on pornography.


Idols of the Heart (Part 1)

Often the stage of this cycle that gets all the spotlight in your life is the bottom one: the moment of indulgence. We focus a lot of our energy there: “How do I stop looking at pornography?” But instead, we need to be asking about how we can repent of the whole cycle.


How do we best help students resist our pornified culture? (Part 1)

For the past two decades, I have been speaking, teaching, writing, and counseling students on a variety of issues. Yet in the past few years, no issue has become more critical to address with students than pornography. And yet, sadly, many parents, youth workers, teachers, and other adults simply ignore it.

Sociologist Mark Regnerus said it best: “Conversations about sex can be uncomfortable for both parent and child, but not having them—or handling them poorly—can cause long-term damage.”


The Deadly Cycle of Pornography

In James 1:12-15, James says that temptations all starts in desire, leading to enticement, leading to the conception of sin, then the birth of sin, then the growth of sin, and finally death.

In smaller steps, we can really understand the experience of the person enslaved to porn: desire, triggers, tempting thoughts, rituals, indulgence, defeated thoughts, loss of control, guilt, shame, and self-atonement. The last part of the cycle is death.


12 Organizations That Support Sexual Exploitation

What do the American Library Association, the Department of Justice, Snapchat, and HBO have in common?

All were named to the 2016 Dirty Dozen list by the National Center on Sexual Exploitation. Now in its fourth year, this annual list highlights 12 corporations or organizations which profit from or support obscenity and the sexual exploitation of women, men, and even children.


The Downward Spiral of Temptation

James says temptation starts in desire. Desire then leads to enticement. Enticement leads to conception—the conception of sin in the heart. Conception leads to birth—the birth of sin. Sin then grows stronger. And fully-grown sin brings forth death. This is the cycle of temptation and sin.

What’s interesting is, many counselors and pastors who work with men and women who struggle with porn, even for those who aren’t all that familiar with James’ letter, notice the same cycle.